Wednesday, August 15, 2007

CS-Program post


werner said...

Peter, bravo. I like your description, it gives a good feel for the anticipated activities from the vantage point of the student. The program seems pretty complete, the adjacencies within the different “groups” established. How do the groups relate to each other? What would the ideal layout be on a flat site?

Peter James DeIuliis said...

I envision a number of ways that the 3 groups could relate to each other on a flat site.... some of the only pressing parameters that I see would be that the outdoor spaces should be south facing... other than that, there is nothing restricting how the groups interact... I am hoping that the site will start to define some of these necessary restrictions, and make my job a little easier...what is extremely important to me though is that they each feel like distinct zones... I want someone in the residential zone to know that they are in the presence of living spaces, and someone in the exhibit space to know that they are in a professional design school, etc...

Tim Shremshock said...


I like your depiction of the program it provides the designer a good frame of reference by which to base future design decisions. Fast and furious, try something quickly and move on. I am also curious on how the zones will connect. I found that to be the most difficult part of the bubble diagram. I know I will need to tweek my adjacencies.