Tuesday, August 14, 2007

AT-Eco quiz results

My results for the eco-quiz are below.... not pretty..... I just barely beat the national average... I am interested to see how the rest of the class scores....

I am in kind of a tough spot on alot of these categories.... first, I live in Maine... I'm rural, like most people up here and need to drive to just about everyplace I go... I could get some type of motorbike, but those are pretty cost ineffective when the weather only allows for them to be driven a few months of the year... Considering everyone up here drives a 4wd truck, the fact that I am driving a car automatically makes me more environmentally sensitive.. I have replaced all of my light bulbs in the house with energy efficient bulbs, and have all new energy efficient appliances, but these things pale in comparison to the fact that my house is about 100 years old, drafty, poorly insulated, and I have to burn oil and wood for at least half of the year to keep my family from freezing.... my boiler isn't old, but I am sure its not that efficient either...

Personal changes that I could make would probably be, 1. Get the house better insulated and install a new, more efficient boiler and water heater 2. Buy less processed products 3. Try to carpool to work 4. Eat less meat 5. get rid of my wife's 2 cats..... (I'm just throwing that one in there for fun... it might not lower my eco-footprint, but it would sure make me feel better)...

1 comment:

Tim Shremshock said...


I think to really be affective, we would need a societal change not only an individual change in lifestyle. We, as designers, could help lead the effort. If we promoted such things as planning efforts that focused on smaller community development and/ or the use of transit systems, people could live, shop work and play with-in easy travel distances.